Ms. Pragati Gupta
- PhD Aspirant in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Neuro-psychology, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, India
- Student Member at Indian Academy of Neuroscience
Event-Related Potential (ERP) technique is widely used to measure the time course of brain activity across a range of basic science and clinical science domains. Deep Dive Into ERPs Technique Course is intended for beginning and intermediate ERP researchers, and it will provide them with training in the essential aspects of the ERP technique, giving them a solid foundation for conducting research on normal and abnormal functioning of the mind and brain.
The course will involve a combination of lectures, discussions, and laboratory activities. An integrated set of lectures on the fundamentals of ERPs will be given by the instructor.
The concluding goal of this organized course is to increase the quality and quantity of future ERP researches and will provide intensive training in the use of a technique that is used to measure the brain’s electrical activity in both healthy individuals and individuals suffering from disorders of the mind and brain. This enhanced training will allow scientists to make more rapid progress in understanding the operation of the normal brain and in understanding and measuring a variety of mental and neural disorders, which will ultimately lead to improved diagnosis of these disorders as well as improved assessments of new treatments.
What is ERPLAB toolbox?
ERPLAB toolbox is a freely available, open-source toolbox for processing and analyzing event-related potential (ERP) data in the MATLAB environment.
ERPLAB is closely integrated with EEGLAB, a popular open-source toolbox that provides many EEG preprocessing steps and an excellent user interface design. ERPLAB adds to EEGLAB’s EEG processing functions, providing additional tools for filtering, artifact detection, re-referencing, and sorting of events. ERPLAB’s tools can be accessed either from an easy-to-learn graphical user interface or from MATLAB scripts, and a command history function makes it easy for users with no programming experience to write scripts. Consequently, ERPLAB provides both ease of use and virtually unlimited power and flexibility, making it appropriate for the analysis of both simple and complex ERP experiments.
What you will learn?
- Dynamics of ERPs
- Design of experiments
- ERP components
- Artifacts
- Pre-processing steps
- Principles of ERP recording
- Quantifying ERP amplitude and latency
Who can take the course?
The course participants will come from a variety of disciplines, including cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychology, experimental psychopathology, neurology, psychiatry, developmental psychology, speech pathology, biomedical engineers, neuroscientists, etc. This multi-disciplinary group of participants reflects the broad use of ERPs across the many domains that focus on neural and mental functioning. The participants will also represent a variety of career stages, including graduate and medical students, postdocs, residents, junior faculty, and senior faculty. This reflects the fact that the ERP technique is now being adopted by people at all career stages.
Why do I take ScienceBeam’s courses?
ScienceBeam is the forefront technology provider of neuroscience applications with more than 20 years of experience in the field of neuroscience and electrophysiology. We have a great network of neuroscientists, electrophysiologists, neuropsychologist, and engineers around the world who help us with bringing science and information to the interested researchers, no matter where they live. Over the past 10 years, we have organized more than 300 webinars and courses with the help of our professional network of scientists.
Professional certificate to show to employers
The certificate of the participant is an official document that confirms that you completed the course. Whether you’re looking to start a new career or change your current one, Professional Certificates from ScienceBeam proves to employers that you have completed the professional course and learnt all the details about it.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 5 hours
- Language English
- Students 145
- Assessments Yes