It is a pleasure to welcome you to the “First Annual Meeting of Georgian Center for Neuroscience Research (GCNR-2020). This meeting is organized by the Georgian Center for Neuroscience Research in partnership with the International Center for Intelligent Research and Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Georgia during 20-22 February 2020.
The first Annual Meeting of Georgian Center for Neuroscience Research is going to invite MDs, Masters, Ph.D students, Postdoctoral fellows, and young faculty members to provide them with a 3 days opportunity to gain some basic to advanced knowledge in the area of Brain Disorders and Therapies with lecturing and practical workshops. The main topic of GCNR-2020 is “Recent Advances in Brain Disorders and Therapy”. The recent developments in Brain Disorders and Therapies will be discussed. The meeting will consist of interactive lectures by the faculty and discussion groups. The participants are encouraged to submit their abstracts for presentation in GCNR-2020. Other activities will include students’ poster presentations, Q&A sessions and exhibitions related to brain function and brain disorders.
We look forward to welcoming you in GCNR-2020.
Yours Sincerely,
Nasrollah Moradi-kor, GCNR Director
Scientific & Executive Committees:
Scientific Secretary: Prof. Dr. Nanuli Dureuli, Ph.D
Coordination Manager: Mrs. Elza Mamajanova
Chief Executive Officer: Ms. Raha Haghipanah
International Manager: Mr. Seyed Ali Seyedinia
Executive Manager: Ms. Parnia Tarahomi
Prof. Dr. Thomas Budde, Ph.D
Prof. Dr. Parham Reisi, Ph.D
Prof. Dr. Nato Darchia, Ph.D
Prof. Dr. Irma Khachidze, Ph.D
Dr. Khatuna Parkosadze, Ph.D
Dr. Aliza Kurmashvili, Ph.D
Dr. Isabel Kvantidze, MD
Dr. Victoria Palinska, Ph.D
Dr. Francesca Gabriela Paslaru, MD
Dr. Sabina Abakelia, MD
Dr. Golareh Mohaghegh, Ph.D
Dr. Sylvia Ortega-Martinez, Ph.D
Dr. Amin Asadollahpour, Ph.D
Dr. Melika Andrew, Ph.D
Mr. Farhad Jazideh, Production Manager
Keynote Speakers:
1- Prof. Dr. Nanuli Doreuli, Ph.D.
Biology Department, Faculty of Exact and Natural Science, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, University str. 2, 0143, Tbilisi, Georgia
Presentation Title: Influence of quercetin/quercetin-loaded magnetic nanoparticles on the firing patterns of hippocampal neurons in control and kainic acid-injected rats
2- Prof. Dr. Parham Reisi, Ph.D.
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Presentation Title: Effects of Concurrent Blockade of Orexin Receptor-2 and Cannabinoid Receptors-1 in the Ventral Tegmental Area on Nicotine-Induced Place Preference and Activity of Ventral Tegmental Area Neurons in Rats (Behavioral and Electrophysiological Studies)
3- Prof. Dr. Nato Darchia, Ph.D., D.Sci
Professor of Neurobiology at Ilia State University, School of Natural Sciences and Medicine, Tbilisi, Georgia
Presentation Title: Sleep and Brain Maturation in typically developing and drug-naïve ADHD children
4- Prof. Dr. Irma Khachidze, Ph.D.
Department of Behavior and Cognitive Functions and Human psychophysiology, I.Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine, 14 Gotua st, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia
Presentation Title: QEEG and monitoring of Anticonvulsive treatment in epileptic children
5- Dr. Khatuna Parkosadze, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Vision Physiology, Ivane Beritashvili Center of experimental Biomedicine, 14 Gotua street, 0160 Tbilisi, Georgia
Presentation Title: Visual functions in children with dyslexia
6- Dr. Amin Asadollahpour Kargar, Ph.D
Founder and CEO of CYBER, Neuroscience and Psychology Centers
Presentation Title: Application of QEEG and LORETA in designing of neurofeedback protocols
Registration & Abstract Submission:
The GCNR scientific committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for presentation at the 1st Meeting of the Georgian Center for Neuroscience Research. All abstracts must be submitted in English, and all presentations must be given in English.
Main conference theme: Brain Disorders and Therapy
The theme of the conference is discovering methods of coping against brain complications.
Meeting Highlights:
Neurological Disorders, Structural and Functional Brain, Psychiatry and Psychology, Brain Complications, Pathophysiology of Brain Disorders, Brain Cancer & Tumors, Neuroimmunology, Neurosurgery, Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuroinflammation, Neurodegeneration & Aging Disorders, Neuropharmacology, Neurophysiology, Neurology of Brain, Novel Treatment Strategies, Animal Models in Brain Research, Addiction & Brain Disorders, Stem Cell Therapies.
Submission Guidelines:
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- The abstract should be in plain text without any special symbol, formula, diagram or data table.
- Title: Limited to a maximum of 200 characters. Do NOT use CAPITAL letters for the title.
- Abstract text: Abstract body text is limited to a maximum of 500 words (including title, authors, affiliations, abstract text, and keywords).
- Keywords: Maximum of 5 keywords separated by semicolons (;) which best describe the study should be added at the end of the abstract text.
- Details of the corresponding/presenting author: family name, initial(s), institute, university, city, country and e-mail.
- Details of all co-authors: family name, initial(s), institute, university, city, country.
Abstracts Submission:
- Abstracts should only be submitted via email to (
- The deadline for abstract submission is January 25, 2020. Abstracts arriving after this date will not be accepted!
- The receipt of your abstract will be confirmed by email. If you do not receive any confirmation by email within 24 hours after submission, please contact the GCNR secretariat (
- Abstracts will be subject to peer review by members of the Scientific Committee.
- The notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted will be sent to authors by January 30, 2020.
- All notifications will be sent to the e-mail address of the corresponding author that provided during the abstract submission.
Oral presentations: (except keynote/invited lectures) will be allocated 15 minutes each followed by a few-minutes questions & answers.
Poster sessions: each poster will be on display 1 full day of the conference and include a dedicated poster session (Poster Size: 70*90 cm).
All participants must pay the registration fee. For each paper/poster, at least one author must attend and pay the registration fee. The registration fee must be paid online or on-site by cash during the meeting.
Registration fees:
- Regular delegate: 200$
- Students & GCNR members: 150$
- Group registration discount: 100$ (attend as a group of 5 or more participants)
Registration fees include:
- Admission to scientific sessions
- Admission to exhibition, workshop and poster viewing
- All meeting materials
- Tea/coffee and lunch
- Certificate of Attendance/Presentation
- CASRP Science Certificate (UK International Certificate)
- Publishing & indexing the abstracts
Other Information:
All accepted abstracts will be indexed on EuroPub database in UK and the proceeding book will be published in GMJ Medicine Journal in Germany.
All participants will receive international certificate from CASRP Company in UK.
Oral presenters will receive a certificate of presentation from the session chair after their presentations or in the end of the session. Poster presenters will receive a certificate of presentation from the conference staff in the end of their poster session.
*A certificate of attendance includes participant’s name and affiliation, certifying the participation in the meeting.
*A certificate of presentation indicates a presenter’s name, affiliation and the paper title that is presented in the scheduled session.
Supported by:
- Georgian Center for Neuroscience Research
- International Center for Intelligent Research
- Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
- EuroPub Representative Georgia
- Science Beam Company, China
Contact Us:
For all inquiries about GCNR-2020, please contact us at:
1- Abstract submission is now open. Abstract submission deadline: 25 January 2020.
2- According to the agreement between EuroPub and Georgian Center for Neuroscience Research, all accepted abstracts will be indexed in EuroPub database in United Kingdom.
3- Best Poster Awards: These awards are given to the three best posters presented at the conference. Selection will be based on a combination of excellent research, innovation, and presentation. The winners will be formally announced during the closing ceremony.
4- Two workshops will be organized during the meeting (1- Neurofeedback & QEEG Workshop, 2- Animal Electrophysiology (LFP Recording). These workshops will organized by Georgian Center for Neuroscience Research in partnership with Science Beam Company and Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. For registration and inquiries about workshops, please contact our workshops manager at:
5- The GCNR-2020 Program and presentation timeline (Download).
GCNR-2020 Venue
D’Plaza Hotel,
116 Tsereteli Ave; Tbilisi, Georgia