We are delighted to announce that the International Symposium on COVID-19 & Neurological Complications will be held 10-12 March, 2023 in Tbilisi, Georgia. On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate NEUROVID SYMPOSIUM organized by the International Center for Neuroscience Research in collaboration with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Youth Neuroscience Organization in Georgia.
Growing evidence suggests that the coronavirus causes ‘brain fog’ and other neurological symptoms. At this symposium neurological and neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19 will be discussed. Holding practical workshops, inviting leading scientists to give keynote speeches, Q&A panels and oral/posters presentations are some of the symposium programs. We hope this event will release practical and valuable results to boost the management and therapeutic methods of neurological and neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19.
We look forward to welcoming you to “Neurovid Symposium 2023”
Organizer and Chair:
Dr. Nasrollah Moradi-kor, Ph.D. (Research Director, International Center for Neuroscience Research, Institute for Intelligent Research, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Dr. Wael Mohamed, MD, Ph.D. (Department of Basic Medical Science, Medical School, International Islamic University Malaysia, Selayang, Malaysia)
Symposium Description:
The NEUROVID Symposium will be held by International Center for Neuroscience Research from 10-12 March 2023 in partnership with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Youth Neuroscience Organization in Georgia. The Symposium will focus on the following topics:
– Science of COVID-19: How does COVID-19 affect the brain?
– Neurochemical and Neuroendocrine Effects of COVID-19
– COVID-19: Molecular and Cellular Response
– Neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19
– Covid-19 & Potential Therapies
Practical workshops:
– tDCS Workshop
– TMS & rTMS Workshop
Who should apply for this Symposium?
MDs, MScs, PhD scholars, postdoctoral fellows, trainees, and early career researchers in neuroscience and related fields.
Registration & Abstract Submission:
The scientific committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for presentation at the Neurovid Symposium 2023. All abstracts must be submitted in English, and all presentations must be given in English.
Symposium Highlights’s:
– Science of COVID-19: How does COVID-19 affect the brain?
– Neurochemical and Neuroendocrine Effects of COVID-19
– COVID-19: Molecular and Cellular Response
– Neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19
– Covid-19 & Potential Therapies
Submission Guidelines:
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- The abstract should be in plain text without any special symbol, formula, diagram or data table.
- Title: Limited to a maximum of 200 characters. Do NOT use CAPITAL letters for the title.
- Abstract text: Abstract body text is limited to a maximum of 500 words (including title, authors, affiliations, abstract text, and keywords).
- Keywords: Maximum of 5 keywords separated by semicolons (;) which best describe the study should be added at the end of the abstract text.
- Details of the corresponding/presenting author: family name, initial(s), institute, university, city, country and e-mail.
- Details of all co-authors: family name, initial(s), institute, university, city, country.
Abstracts Submission:
- Abstracts should be submitted through email to (neurogeorgia@gmail.com)
- The deadline for abstract submission is March 01 2023. Abstracts arriving after this date will not be accepted!
- The receipt of your abstract will be confirmed by email. If you do not receive any confirmation by email within 24 hours after submission, please contact the secretariat (neurogeorgia@gmail.com).
- Abstracts will be subjected to peer review by members of the Scientific Committee.
- All notifications will be sent to the e-mail address of the corresponding author provided during the abstract submission.
All participants must pay the registration fee. For each paper/poster, at least one author must attend and pay the registration fee. The registration fee must be paid online.
Registration Deadline: March 01, 2023
Registration fees:
- Regular delegate: 100$
- Group registration discount: 50$ (attend as a group of 5 or more participants)
- Students & ICNR members: Free
- Registration for IBRO and FENS members: Free
Registration fees include:
- Admission to scientific sessions
- Admission to workshops
- Oral/Poster Presentation
- Certificate of Attendance/Presentation
- CASRP Science Certificate (UK International Certificate)
- Publishing & indexing the abstracts
Other Information:
All accepted abstracts will be indexed on EuroPub database and all participants will receive international certificate from CASRP Company in UK.
Supported by:
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
- Institute for Intelligent Research
- Youth Neuroscience Organization
Contact Us:
For all inquiries, please contact us at neurogeorgia@gmail.com
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Address: 1, Chavchavadze Ave., 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia