Wael Mohamed, MD, Ph.D.
Full Name: Wael Mohamed Yousef Mohamed
Specialty: Neurodegenerative Diseases (PD)
Degrees: MSc, MD, PhD, Psy.D.
Job title: Professor Madya Dr.
1- Clinical Pharmacology Dept, Menoufia Medical School, Menoufia University, Egypt
2- Basic Medical Science Dept, Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuantan, Malaysia
Biography: Dr. Wael Mohamed, a Physician Neuroscientist, earned his PhD from PSU, USA, and presently holds the position of Professor Madya at IIUM Medical School, Malaysia. With over 200 speaking engagements both domestically and internationally, Dr. Mohamed is a seasoned lecturer. He has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed papers in the field of Neuroscience/Psychiatry, boasting an h-index of 23. Additionally, he serves as an editor for several international Journals, having contributed to numerous journal special issues focusing on brain disorders. Furthermore, he is involved in editing several neuroscience books with several publishers. Dr. Mohamed has received research grants from esteemed national and international organizations including IBRO, ISN, MJF, STDF, FRGS, and INDO-ASEAN, totalling half a million US dollars in research funding. He is also the founder of the AfrAbia-PD-Genomic Consortium (AA-PD-GC).
Email: waelmohamed@iium.edu.my & wmy107@gmail.com